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We offer homeschool help of all kinds, including answers to your most frequently asked questions.

  • As a parent or caregiver, homeschooling is your legal right in the United States. Homeschooling is an official withdrawal from a traditional school
    setting and the movement of a child to education “at home”.

    While the process itself may vary from state to state, it is no secret anymore that homeschooling is the most family-driven, student-centered, flexible option for education.

  • The number of children homeschooling in the United States has doubled since 2018 and continues to grow each year. Families cite everything from disappointment and distrust in the school system they were in, the need for
    flexibility, medical (physical or mental health) reasons, the need for safety and security, a change of environment, etc.

    On average, homeschooled students vastly outperform their traditional school peers on standardized tests. The current average range of test performance for a homeschooled student is 86-87%, while their in-school peers are performing in the 50% range on average on the same tests.

  • There are many aspects to take into consideration when thinking about making the switch to homeschooling. We would much rather give you the information you need up front and let you make the decisions, as what’s truly going to be best for students and families is our top priority.
    If you aren’t sure if it would be a good fit and just want to gather some information and ask questions, book a free 15 minute consultation. That’s what they’re there for. See if this may be right for you, before committing to anything.

  • One part of ‘flexibility’ is the fact that homeschooling can essentially cost as much or as little as your budget allows for. We work with families to specifically set up a plan that they are comfortable with. We make sure your child’s year will meet all of the state’s requirements, be a well-rounded, quality education, and work within your budget. Best of all, not many things in homeschooling are locked in for the year. This means that we can adjust as necessary as the year progresses.

  • This will look different from state to state, but the first step is to book a call or send an email. A lot of the state education websites are overly
    wordy and confusing. We break it down for you - we’ll go over exactly what your state requires so that the guess work is taken out and you can see
    each step clearly.

  • Most states do not require any special qualifications on your end. For the small amount that do require something from you, we’ll go over what’s needed and what exceptions there are. We go through each state’s education laws, line by line, to ensure you stay legal and in compliance throughout the year.

  • This is one of the largest areas of concern, and it doesn’t have to be! There are so many ways in today’s world to make sure your child is not only
    receiving a top-tier quality education, but also the consistent opportunity to socialize and interact with peers. We’ll work with you to come up with a personalized plan that fits your child’s personality and interests.

  • At any point, yes! If for some reason you decide homeschooling is not for you, you can enroll your child back in a traditional school setting. We’ll
    help you set that up and transition back into a building as well.

  • Yes, yes, yes. You really can choose from different paths, depending on what is best for your family. Let’s go over the options and see what would be the best fit for your high schooler.

  • Sit back, relax, and let the experts handle all of this! We’ll go over everything with you, create your plan with you, and adjust as often as
    necessary. You’ll feel like you’re the expert yourself in no time.

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